asked Jan 30, 2021 in Social Life by fatihguney #Lecturer

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9 Answers

answered Jan 30, 2021 by Yarenergun #ObiWanKenobi
Advantages are you can get the all attention all money you can get the larger room in the home disadvantages are if you are only child you would be alone but if you have a siblings you can play with his or her you can share your secret you can ask and help you can give an advice
answered Jan 30, 2021 by Ä°nci #ObiWanKenobi
The pros are get all money, get all interest. The cons are if we don’t have any friend we can play with them.
answered Jan 30, 2021 by Yasemin #ObiWanKenobi
Pros of being the only child; you are the princess/prince of the home. You can get what you want easily. Cons of being the only child is you are a boring person
answered Jun 6, 2022 by nehir fidan Smiley faceFastLearner
pros are getting all the money and attention. i have a large room, all the things i want are getting bought if we have money. people says that only childs easily get bored on their own but i can have fun with myself. i have schizophrenia and always talk to myself.
cons are sometimes you need to somebody other than your parents to talk about your problems.
answered Jun 11, 2022 by Efe Haydar Emir Smiley faceFastLearner
Ä° think Being only child is the best because every thing comes to you by your family
answered Jun 11, 2022 by Merve saltik Smiley faceFastLearner
Ramadan is  very important celebration for  Muslim peoples .And   Child collect the money when you are only child  ,you  have got completely money to your relatives .
answered Jun 20, 2022 by Bilge Ãœlker Smiley faceFastLearner
I think there are so many pros of  not being an only child.  If you have a sibling, you grow up together and you don't feel alone and you learn not to be jealous , you learn to share everything. Especially having a sibling when you grow up ,always gives you confidence and happiness in your life.
answered Mar 4, 2023 by EylulGursoy #Artu R2-D2
So many advantegs but 1 disadvantegs your lonely person in home
answered Dec 16, 2023 by nadinrona N00b
One of the pros is being the center of your parents' attention. They try their hardest for you, and could do anything to make you happy. But the flip side is them expecting the same amount of success in return. It is their right to expect something but they tend to pressure the children a lot, which brings failure most of the time.
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